INCODE continous inkjet printer
October 23, 2021
The continuous jet printer is an automated device for product or packaging identification using non-contact continuous inkjet coding. Non-contact continuous inkjet coding technology is one of the most widely used identification technologies in today. The principle is to charge the Inkjet Printer and deflect the flight path through the high-voltage electric field to realize inkjet printing on the product or package. In order to shorten the calculation time and ensure the correctness of the whole process, the combination of command flow and manual operation is used for calculation.
From the theoretical point of view of the electrostatic field, there are three aspects that can explain the relatively large influence of the ink line on the electric field:
(1) The electric field has a tip effect, and the size of the ink line is much smaller than the dimensions of other surrounding components;
(2) The dielectric constant of the ink line is larger than the dielectric constant of other materials;
(3) The distance between the ink line and the charging pole is closer than the distance between the other components and the charging pole (the effect of the charging pole base on the entire electric field is very small and negligible).
The model of the square charging pole is used to calculate the entire electric field, and the charging electric field distribution in the case of the ink line and the no ink line is calculated separately.
In the case of no ink line, the electric field lines are more evenly distributed around the charging pole, but where the two tips of the nozzle are close to each other, the electric field lines at the nut have a smaller concentration. And the strong areas of the field are basically concentrated on the various surfaces of the charging pole. When there is an ink line, the electric field lines are almost entirely concentrated at the ink line and the field strength near the ink line is much larger than the field strength at the same position when the ink line is not. The field strength of the ink line is at the top arc of the ink line, and the field strength of the ink line is at the surface of the charging pole, and the maximum field strength of the ink line is much larger than the maximum field strength of the ink line.